Diploma Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Important Questions

Diploma Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Important Questions

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Diploma Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Important Questions

Diploma Refrigeration and Air conditioning Important questions
Diploma Refrigeration and Air conditioning Important questions

Subject  :  Refrigeration and Air conditioning   Scheme : M SCHEME

UNIT –  1, Refrigeration system & Refrigeration Equipments.

Note: Highlighted questions are asked two times

          Analysis based on previous year board exam question paper                                                                                                                  

2/3 mark questions.

1.    Define the term convective heat transfer

2.    What is meant by hermetic compressor?

3.    Compare open air system & closed air system,

4.    Explain briefly heat engine and heat pump.

5.    Define one tons of refrigeration

6.    Write the difference between natural and forced  draught cooling towers.

7.    State and explain fourier law of heat conduction

8.     What are the classifications of a condenser?

9.    What is the function of a refrigeration compressor?

10. Write the laws of heat transfer?

11. What are the types of refrigeration?

12. What is the COP of refrigeration?

13. What do you know about natural circulation?

14. What are the modes of Heat transfer?

15. Define unit of refrigeration.

16. What is a hermetically sealed compressor?

17. List out the uses of cooling tower.

18. What are the types of compressors used in refrigeration system?

19. List out any two advantages of Evaporative condenser.

20. Define COP of Heat Engine

21. What is the use of Condenser?

22. Which is considered as heart of a vapour compression system?

23. List out the various types of evaporator.

24. If COP of a carnot refrigerator is 5. What will be the COP, when it is operated as a heat engine.

25. State Carnot theorem.

26. Define relative COP

10 mark questions.

1.    Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of rotary compressors

2.    Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of evaporative condenser.

3.    Explain in detail with a suitable sketch, the construction and working of forced circulation dry expansion with evaporator.

4.    Described about forced convection evaporator with a help of neat sketch.

5.  Explain open air refrigeration systems and state its advatages

6.  Explain the working principle of natural circulation evaporator

7.  Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of  hermetically sealed compressor

8. With a neat sketch Explain the working principle of forced draught cooling tower.

9. Explain the working principle of open air system of refrigeration.

10. Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of reciprocating compressor

11. With a neat sketch explain water cooled compressor with its advantages and disadvantages

12. List out the different types of refrigeration and explain any two in detail.

13. With a neat sketch explain evaporative compressor and list its advantages and disadvantages

14. Explain any one type of natural draught cooling tower

Diploma Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Important Questions

Diploma Refrigeration and Air conditioning Important questions
Diploma Refrigeration and Air conditioning Important questions


Unit 2

2 / 3 marks

  1. Write note on effect of super heating.
  2. Explain the effect of varying the condenser pressure.
  3. what is meant by under cooling?
  4. Define the terms (i) Refrigeration effect (ii) COP
  5. Discuss about (i) Flash chamber (ii) Accumulator
  6. how do you classify cryogenic refrigerators
  7. What is the use of flash chamber in refrigeration? Where is it located?
  8. Name the major equipments of vapour compression refrigeration system.
  9. What is meant by under cooling?
  10. What is called cryogenic system?
  11. Draw the T-S diagram of vaour compression cycle.
  12. What is refrigerating effect?
  13. What is solvent used in Electrolux refrigeration system?
  14. Name any two cryogenic refrigeration system.
  15. Draw T-S diagram with under cooling of the refrigerant.
  16. Name the three fluids used in three fluid absorption system.
  17. What are the effects of Evaporative pressure?
  18. Where a flash chamber is located?
  19. Mention the refrigerant used in Electrolux Refrigeration system.
  20. State two disadvantages of super heating
  21. Give two advantages of VCR system over VAR system.

10 Marks

  1. Explain the working of Simple vapour absorption refrigeration system with a neat sketch
  2. Explain the working of Giffered MCMohan refrigerator with a neat sketch
  3. An ammonia refrigeration works between -10 degree C and 38 degree C. It works under simple saturated cycle. Cp for liquid = 4.75 kJ/kgK Cp for vapour = 3.00 kJ/kgK. Using the refrigeration tables, calculate (i) Power per ton of refrigeration (ii) COP
  4. Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of solar absorption refrigeration system 
  5. Find the theoretical C.O.P for a CO2 Machine working between the temperatures of 25 degree Celsius and -4 degree Celsius. The dryness fraction of CO2 gas during the suction stroke is 0.6
  6. Explain the principle of working of vapour compression system with neat sketches. Analyse its performance using T-S and P-h charts
  7. Discuss about the Philips refrigerator (5 marks)
  8. Compare the absorption system with mechanical refrigeration systems.
  9. Analyse vapour compression cycle using  T-S and P-H diagrams
  10. With a neat sketch Explain Electrolux system.
  11. Explain the effect of super heating with P-H diagram and write the advantages and disadvantages of super heating 
  12. Explain the function of liquid vapour heat exchanger


Diploma Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Important Questions

Unit 3, 

2 / 3 marks

  1. List out the classification of lubricating oil foe refrigeration 
  2. What is capillary tube? Explain how it can be used as expansion device in refrigeration system.
  3. Write short notes on freeze drying.
  4. Write any two properties of SO2 as refrigerant.
  5. Write briefly about primary and secondary refrigerant
  6. Name any two types of freezing methods.
  7. Discuss about blends of refrigerants.
  8. Discuss briefly about the lubricants used in refrigeration systems
  9. What is meant by Expansion device?
  10. Name any two lubricants used in refrigeration.
  11. Define Quick freezing.
  12. Name three applications of refrigeration.
  13. Write the uses of Capillary tube.
  14. What is a refrigerant?
  15. Write any two refrigerants.
  16. What is slow freezing?
  17. Define cold storage
  18. Name any two expansion valves
  19. What is flash lubrication?
  20. What is frozen storage?
  21. What is freeze drying?
  22. Name any two properties of So2.
  23. Name any two brines used in Refrigeration system
  24. What is the temperature limit of the frost type refrigerating system?
  25. Identify the components which require lubrication in a refrigerating system
  26. Define Frozen storage
  27. What is the necessity of a capillary  tube in a refrigeration system?
  28. Give two desirable properties of refrigerant.
  29. What is the effect of incorrect storage temperature?
  30. Name the device used to  detect the leakage of the refrigerant.

10 Marks

  1. Explain the Working of automatic expansion valve with a neat sketch.
  2. Explain with a suitable sketch, the working of dairy refrigeration.
  3. Explain the working of thermostatic expansion valve with a neat sketch.
  4. Explain with a neat sketch, the storage type water cooler.
  5. Write short notes on the following (i) ice cream cabinets (ii) frost free refrigeration. (iii) Frozen storage
  6. Explain about the process of Ice making.
  7. State the use of expansion device 
  8. Classify refrigerants and explain the factors involved in selection of refrigerants 
  9. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of electronic expansion valve. 
  10. Explain solenoid valve with a neat sketch 
  11. List out the expansion devices and explain thermostatic expansion device with a neat sketch 
  12. Write short notes on (i) Slow freezing (ii) Bottle cooler.
  13. Explain the properties of ammonia as a refrigerant.

Unit 4, Psychometrics and Comfort Air Conditioning Systems

Two and Three marks

  1. Define the term sensible heat factor.
  2. What is meant by sensible heating? Show the process on a skeleton psychrometric chart.
  3. What is comfort chart?
  4. What is called WBT?
  5. Note down the humidifying and heating processes
  6. Write any three types of air conditioners
  7. What is dew point temperature?
  8. Note down the sensible heating process
  9. What is by pass factor?
  10. Write the properties of ideal insulator.
  11. Define sensible cooling
  12. What is humidity?
  13. Name any two insulating materials 
  14. What are the uses of Psychometric charts?
  15. What is moist air?
  16. What is the use of Insulation?
  17. Name any two types of filter.
  18. What is wet bulb depression?
  19. Name two Psychometric process.
  20. List out the equipment for air conditioning
  21. Define most comfortable effective temperature.
  22. Define dew point depression 
  23. What is meant by air washer?

Ten Marks

  1. The atmospheric air at 30 degree celsius and 75% RH enters a cooling coil at the rate of 1000 m3/ min. The coil dew point temperature is 14 degree celsius and by pass factor is 0.1. Determine (i) Temperature of air leaving the cooling coil (ii) Capacity of the cooling coil in TR. (iii) Amount of water vapour removed per min. (iv) SHF for the process.
  2. Explain the detail about the factors governing optimum temperature. 
  3. In a cooling application, moist sir enters a cooling coil at the rate 100kg of dry air per minute at 35 degree celsius and 50% RH. The apparatus dew pioint of the coil is 5 degree celsius and the bypass factor is 0.15. Determine the outlet state of moist air and cooling capacity of the coil in TR. 
  4. Explain with a neat sketch, the construction and working of Window air conditioner.
  5. List the factors governing optimum and effective temperature in comfort air conditioning.
  6. Explain the sensible heating and cooling process using psychrometric charts.
  7. Discuss about centrifugal dust collector with a neat sketch 
  8. Explain the construction and working of a split air conditioning system.
  9. Briefly write on Psychometric process
  10. List out the Psychometric properties of air and explain 
  11. Draw the neat sketch of air washer humidifier and explain. 
  12. List out the factors governing optimum effective temperature in comfort air conditioning. 
  13. Explain the heating and humidification psychometric process 
  14. Differentiate fan and blower
  15. Explain grills and registers used in an air conditioning system

Unit 5 Cooling load calculations and Duct design, Energy Conservation techniques 

2 and 3 Marks

  1. Name any three heat resources
  2. What is called equipment load?
  3. Mention about fresh air load.
  4. What is called variable refrigerant flow?
  5. What is cooling load?
  6. Write any two duct systems.
  7. What do you know about heat reclaim?
  8. What is ice harvester?
  9. What are the heat resources in air conditioning system?
  10. Give the classification of Duct system.
  11. Name any two methods used in duct design.
  12. Define Variable primary flow (VPF).
  13. What is energy conservation?
  14. What is AHU?
  15. What is the use of duct?
  16. What is conduction heat load?
  17. What is the necessity of supply of fresh air to the air conditioned system?
  18. Write an Equation to find radiation load of sun?
  19. Define ERSHF.
  20. What is an air handling unit?

Ten marks 

  1. Briefly write on cooling load calculations 
  2. Explain the process of duct design 
  3. Discuss the following heat loads (i) Radiation load (ii) Equipment load (iii) Occupants load (iv) Infiltration load 
  4. Write short notes on (i) Thermal storage (ii) Variable primary flow 
  5. Explain different heat sources in air conditioning space
  6. Explain air handling unit
  7. Write short notes on Ice harvester and chilled water systems
  8. Explain about thermal storage
  9. Explain a simplified Conventional chilled water system.
  10. Explain VRF with a neat sketch 
  11. Explain the different types of loads which have to be taken into account to estimate the total heat load of a large restaurant for summer air conditioning

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