Diploma Renewable Energy Sources Important questions – all units

Diploma Renewable Energy Sources Important questions

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Subject: Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Conservation    Scheme: M


(i) Highlighted questions are asked twice or more than twice in the board examination

(ii) These questions are collected from three years question papers of board examination.

Check the download link  for Diploma Renewable Energy Sources Important questions pdf at the bottom of this page

Unit – 1, Fundamentals of Energy & Wind Energy.

2/3 marks

  1. Define primary energy.
  2. Define wind data.
  3. Write the importance of renewable energy resources.
  4. Write a note on environmental aspects of wind energy.
  5. Define renewable energy.
  6. List the factors that determine the power in the wind.
  7. List five criteria that will be followed while selecting a site for wind energy.
  8. Broadly Classify energy sources.
  9. What are the forces acts on wind blades?
  10. What are the disadvantages of vertical axis wind machine?
  11. Write short note on standard of living.
  12. Write a note on consumption trend of primary energy resources.
  13. Write the disadvantages of wind energy conversion system.
  14. Write any two classification of wind energy
  15. Compare horizontal and vertical axis wind mill.

10 mark questions.

  1. Explain consumption trend of primary energy resources.(5 marks)
  2. List the advantages and disadvantages of conventional energy. (5 marks)
  3. Write a neat sketch, explain horizontal axis wind mill also give the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy.
  4. Discuss about the consumption trend of primary energy sources. (5 marks)
  5. Explain in detail about the importance of renewable energy sources. (5 marks)
  6. How is the site selection to be done for wind energy system
  7. Explain the safety and environmental aspects of wind energy system (5 marks)
  8. Write a note on energy consumption & standard of living. (5 marks)
  9. Write a note on energy for sustainable development.
  10. Write the classification of energy sources. (5 marks)
  11. Name five wind mills with its location in India. (5 marks)
Diploma Renewable Energy Sources Important questions
Diploma Renewable Energy Sources Important questions

Unit – 2, Solar Energy

2/3 marks questions

  1. What is solar green house?
  2. Name the different types of solar energy collectors.
  3. Name two instruments used to measure solar radiation.
  4. Name the types of solar cookers.
  5. State two each of advantages, disadvantages and applications of flat plate collectors.
  6. What is meant by latent heat storage?
  7. Define solar radiation.
  8. Define about thermo chemical storage.
  9. Compare flat plate and concentrating collectors.
  10. Name four applications of solar energy.
  11. How will you select a solar collector for various applications?

10 marks questions

  1. Explain solar refrigeration and air conditioning system with a neat sketch.
  2. Write the comparison of solar flat plate collectors and concentrating collectors.
  3. List the instruments used to measure solar radiation and explain sunshine recorder with a neat sketch.
  4. Explain in detail the solar furnaces with a neat sketch. Give its advantages and disadvantages.
  5. How the solar radiation is received at the earth’s surface? ( 5 marks )
  6. Write a note on solar cooker ( 5 marks )
  7. Explain in detail about the solar industrial heating systems.



2/3 marks questions

  1. What do you mean by photo voltaic cell?
  2. Define ocean thermal energy.
  3. List the factors to be considered while selecting a solar home lighting system.
  4. Draw the block diagram of open cycle OTEC system.
  5. What is the principle of photo voltaic cells?
  6. What are the electrical characteristics of silicon PV cells?
  7. What are the major components of tidal power plant? Explain any one.
  8. What is meant by thin film PV?
  9. List the components of tidal power plant.
  10. Describe about environmental impact of solar photovoltaic system.
  11. Write a note on arriving load capacity to solar home lighting system.
  12. What is meant by wave machine?
  13. Draw the open cycle ocean thermal energy conversion system.

10 marks questions

  1. Explain in detail, the design of a solar PV water pumping system
  2. List the methods to obtain ocean thermal energy and explain any one system with neat sketch. List the advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Write a note on environmental impact and safety of solar photo voltaic system.(5 marks)
  4. What are the major factors you will consider while designing a battery system? (5 marks)
  5. Explain tidal energy. (5 marks)
  6. Explain the principle of ocean thermal electric power generation. (5 marks)
  7. Explain about the working principle, construction and applications of solar photovoltaic cells.
  8. With a neat sketch explain the principle and operation of a tidal power plant


Unit – 4, BIO-ENERGY

2/3 marks questions

  1. Define Biogas.
  2. Explain photosynthesis.
  3. List out the types of biogas plants.
  4. Define bio mass.
  5. Draw the simple block diagram for preparing bio – diesel.
  6. Write a note on biomass liquefaction.
  7. Write a note on usable forms of bio mass.
  8. Name the different gasifiers.
  9. Draw the flow diagram for preparation of ethanol from sugarcane.

10 marks questions

  1. Explain municipal solid waste incineration plant with a neat sketch.
  2. List the different types of biogas plants and explain fixed dome type bio gas plant with neat sketch.
  3. List the types of bio – gasifiers and explain down draft type gasification plant with a neat sketch.
  4. Explain floating drum biogas plant with a neat sketch.
  5. Explain how energy conversion can be done from urban waste ( same question, but asked differently refer question – 1)
  6. Discuss the following:

(i)   Ethanol production from biomass.

(ii) Bio diesel production.



2/3 marks questions.

  1. Define cogeneration
  2. Suggest two ways by which you can improve boiler efficiency.
  3. Define the term energy costs.
  4. Define critical thickness of insulation. What is its significance?
  5. Define energy audit.
  6. Explain in brief the term energy conservation.
  7. Mention some ways to improve the boiler efficiency.
  8. List out any four energy audit instruments.
  9. Explain about recycling technique of energy management.
  10. Write four ways to conserve energy in refrigeration and air conditioning system.

10 marks Questions.

  1. What is energy conservation? Explain in detail the need and importance of energy conservation.
  2. List the important points to be followed for energy conservation in compressors, pumps & fans.
  3. What is the need for energy audit? Explain the types of energy audit.
  4. Define waste heat recovery system. List its applications and explain any one.
  5. Discuss about the energy costs and energy performance.
  6. Discuss about the possible ways to improve boiler efficiency.
  7. Write any four benefits of energy audit.
  8. Explain in detail the waste heat recovery systems.
Check More Study Materials 
Design of Machine Elements  Click here
Thermal & Automobile Engineering Click here
Process Planning & Cost Estimation Click here
Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Conservation Click here


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