Measurements and Metrology N Scheme Model Question paper

Measurements and Metrology N Scheme Model Question paper

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Measurement and Metrology N Scheme Model Question paper
Measurement and Metrology N Scheme Model Question paper


Department    : Mechanical Engineering                               Year/Sem       :           II/III

Subject Name  : Measurements & Metrology                      Subject Code :           4020330

Date                :                                                                         Marks             :           100Marks


(i)Answer all question in PART-A

(ii) Answer division (A) or (B) of each question in PART-B

(iii) Each question carries 3 marks in PART-A and 14 marks in PART-B


  1. Mention any three Objectives of metrology?
  2. What is accuracy?
  3. What is combination set?
  4. What are advantages of pneumatic comparator?
  5. What is meant by pitch of a screw thread?
  6. Define run out and eccentricity.
  7. What is Laser?
  8. What is co-ordinate measuring machine?
  9. What is Force? write the methods of measurement of force
  10. What a Ultrasonic flow meter? List its types


11. a) Explain the methods of measurement (7)

b) Explain the various need of Inspection (7) (OR)

c) Compare with heat sketches, the precision and accuracy.(14)

12. a) Write short notes on  Feeler gauge and Pitch Screw gauge(7)

b) Explain briefly the Indian Standards on Slip gauge and their grades (7) (OR)

c) Explain with sketch the Electrical comparator. (7)

d) Explain the optical comparator with Sketch. (7)

13. a) Briefly explain the one, two and three wire methods of measuring effective diameter of external thread. (14) (OR)

b) Describe the Parkinson’s gear tester with a heat Sketch. (14)

14. a) Explain briefly the Michelson interferometer with a neat Sketch(14) (OR)

b) Explain with neat sketch the three Dimensional measuring machine. (14)

15. a) Explain the pneumatic load cell with heat sketch (7)

b) Explain the strain gauge load cell with Sketch. (7) (OR)

c) Explain the mechanical type Rope Brake Dynamometer. (14)

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