CAT 1 Model Question paper Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power

CAT 1 Model Question paper Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power

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CAT 1 Model Question Paper
CAT 1 Model Question Paper

CAT – I Model Question Paper

Year: II   SEM: IV           Subject : Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power                                        Portions Covered: Unit 1 & 2                                                            Marks: 50


ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS                                                       5 × 3 =15

  1. Define Density
  2. State Hydrostatic law.
  3. Mention the applications of Pascal’s Law
  4. List out the types of fluid flow.
  5. What is hydraulic mean depth radius?


 ANSWER ALL THE   QUESTIONS                                                   35 Marks

  1. One litre of petrol weighs 7N. Calculate Its specific weight, density, specific volume and relative density. (7 marks)
  2. State and prove Pascal’s law (7 marks)
  3. A simple manometer is used to measure the pressure of water flowing in a pipe line. The right limb is open to atmosphere and the left limb is connected to the pipe. The center of the pipe is in level with that of the mercury in the right limb. Determine the pressure in the pipe in (a) m of eater and (b) kN/m2 if the difference of mercury level in the two limbs is 100mm (7 marks)
  4. State and Prove Bernoulli’s theorem. (7 marks)
  5. A reservoir has been built 4 km away from a town having 5000 population. Water is to be supplied from the reservoir to the town. It is estimated that each person will consume 0.2 m3 of water per day and the daily supply is pumped in 20 hours. Calculate the size of the supply pipe, if the loss of head due to friction in pipe line is 20m. Take f=0.008. (7 marks)

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