Diploma Engineering Physics 2 Important Questions

Diploma Engineering Physics 2 Important Questions

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Diploma Engineering Physics 2 Important Questions
Diploma Engineering Physics 2 Important Questions

Unit 1 Heat

One and two Marks

  1. What are the three scales of temperature?
  2. Explain the process conduction convection and radiation.
  3. Define coefficient of thermal conductivity
  4. Define specific heat capacity of solid
  5. State any three postulates of kinetic theory of gases
  6. Define Heat and temperature
  7. What are the good conductors of heat?
  8. Derive the relation between kinetic energy and absolute temperature of a gas.

15 Marks (7 and 8 marks)

  1. Derive an expression for pressure of a gas on the basis of kinetic theory of gases
  2. Show that Cp – Cv = R for a perfect gases
  3. Find the r.m.s velocity of hydrogen molecule at S.T.P if density of Hydrogen is 0.0899 kgm ^-3
  4. Write the properties of thermal radiation
  5. Derive Mayer’s relation (Cp-Cv=R)
  6. If the density of carbon dioxide at STP is 1.977 kgm^-3. Find the RMS Velocity of Carbon dioxide
  7. Explain the three modes of Heat transfer
  8. State the postulates of kinetic theory of gases
  9. Calculate the value of a universal gas constant ‘R’ from the gas equation PV = RT at STP


One and Two Marks

  1. Define First law of thermodynamics
  2. Define temperature of Inversion
  3. Explain Isothermal Changes
  4. Write the disadvantages of Renewable Energy sources
  5. State Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics
  6. Explain adiabatic changes
  7. Give any three advantages of renewable energy
  8. Write an equation each for isothermal and adiabatic change.
  9. Explain the temperature of inversion and joule thomson effect.
  10. Explain the sources of renewable and non-renewable energies

15 Marks (7 and 8 marks)

  1. Air at 5 atmosphere is suddenly compressed to half of its original volume. Find the resulting of pressure. Take γ = 1.4
  2. Describe the Linde’s Process for the liquefaction of air
  3. Explain solar energy and Wind energy
  4. A gas at 1 atm pressure is compressed to 1/3 of its initial volume. Calculate the final pressure if the compression is (1) Isothermal (2) Adiabatic. Take γ = 1.4
  5. Explain the liquefaction of oxygen by cascade process
  6. Write short note on wind energy
  7. Explain the working of Carnot’s reversible engine with indicator diagram and write its efficiency.
  8. Write short note on Solar energy


one and two Marks

  1. Expand the acronym ‘RADAR’
  2. Explain spontaneous emission
  3. What is refraction of light?
  4. Expand RADAR and LASER
  5. Explain stimulated emission.
  6. Define refractive index
  7. Explain the three main parts of spectrometer.

15 marks(7 and 8 Marks)

  1. Calculate the refractive index of a prism, if the angle of the prism 59 degree and the angle of minimum deviation is 40 degree
  2. Describe the construction and working of a Ruby laser.
  3. Explain the data acquisition, data analysis and reference data
  4. Describe an experiment to determine the refractive index of a prism using spectrometer.
  5. Write the uses of LASER
  6. Describe the components of Remote sensing.
  7. Explain the phenomenon of total internal reflection.
  8. Explain spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and population inversion
  9. Explain the working of a RADAR with a block diagram.


One and Two Marks

  1. Define resistivity
  2. State any two merits of moving coil galvanometer.
  3. Explain the law of resistance connected in series.
  4. Derive an Expression for the effective capacitance when three capacitors are connected in series.
  5. State Fleming’s left hand rule.
  6. Explain super conductivity and Meissner effect.
  7. Derive an Expression for the effective capacitance when three capacitors are connected in Parallel.
  8. State Kirchoff’s current law.
  9. Define electrolysis.
  10. Explain the law of resistances connected in parallel

15 Marks (7 and 8 Marks)

  1. Derive the condition for balancing the Wheatstone’s bridge by using Kirchoff’s laws.
  2. Describe an Experiment to determine the electro chemical equivalent (e.c.e) of copper by using copper voltmeter.
  3. A galvanometer of resistance 50 ohm shows full scale deflection when a current of 1.5mA passes through it. How can it be converted into an ammeter to measure up to 2A?
  4. The resistance of a wire of 25m long 1mm diameter is 0.65Ω. Calculate its resistivity
  5. Describe an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid using Joule’s calorimeter.
  6. Describe how a galvanometer can be converted into (i) an ammeter and (ii) a voltmeter.
  7. Derive an expression for torque experienced by a rectangular current carrying coil, placed in a uniform magnetic field.
  8. Describe an Experiment to determine the electro chemical equivalent (e.c.e) of an element
  9. Calculate the effective capacitance of three capacitors 1μF, 2 μF and 3 μF, Which are connected in series.

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