Diploma First Year Question Papers PDF Download

Diploma First Year Question Papers PDF Download

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Benefits of Referring Previous Year Question Papers

In today’s increasingly competitive environment, every student is attempting to excel academically while also gaining admission to prestigious colleges through entrance examinations. 

One of the most common methods for familiarising yourself with an examination pattern is to solve as many previous year’s question papers as possible. Previous year questions help students become familiar with the exam structure, but they also help them acquire confidence in a subject. Often questions are swapped and repeated, which can assist a student gain a few guaranteed marks/scores on an exam. 

As a result, it is favourable to conclude that practising on previous year’s questionnaire papers is some of the most effective ways to prepare for an examination.

Previous Year Question Papers: Boost Confidence level

  • Answering previous year’s questionnaires is a good way to practise, evaluate, identify, and improve the study process.
  • Obtaining a proper set of previous year’s question papers is nothing less than a treasure box for students studying for board exams or common entrance exams.
  • As a result, students need to understand and solve these papers and how to make the most of them. Students can smartly plan their preparation strategies by solving previous question papers by understanding their advantages.

The article will dig deeper into the importance of answering the previous year’s questions papers.

10 Reasons to Solve Previous Year’s Question Paper

  • Gives a preview of the main exams

Despite the category of exam one is taking, be it a CBSE Class 10 or 12 board exam, a state-level board exam, a common entrance exam, a graduate-level exam, or a simple classroom test, it is always necessary for students to get a preview into problems through solving previous question papers.

  • It provides a sneak peek into the procedure used to set question papers.
  • It also aids in understanding the structure of the questions.
  • Students can use it to examine the marking distribution of each question. 

All of this assists students in developing a foolproof approach for acing any exam.

  • Assists in comprehending the challenges

For any learner, simply studying the chapter’s contents is insufficient. It is primarily because reading the chapter will not assist the student grasp the challenges. One can, however, comprehend their concerns by practising the previous year’s question paper. When the student solves these, they would be unable to address some of the questions on the paper. As a result, they will return to their textbook and study for the exam. It frequently aids them in obtaining good grades in the final examinations.

  • Best revision strategy for any exam

The previous year’s question paper is a treasure hunt for anyone looking to revise for the exams thoroughly. It is one of the most reliable ways to review all of the information read in textbooks.

Previous year’s question papers provide access to top-tier revision questions the same way students would experience in the given exam. It will also train their minds to work the same way they would when studying for exams.

Thus answering questions from previous tests will provide students with optimal insights and help them master their revision strategy, giving them the highest confidence to attend the real examination.

  • Boost students’ confidence

Previous year’s questions papers allow applicants to practise questions that may appear in the final examinations. It instils confidence in the students. They believe that they will effectively implement the answers in the exam because they have solved these questions. It is critical for students since it motivates them in the stressful environment of the board exams and common entrance exams. According to research, a confident student always performs far better than other students.

  • Gives an insight into frequently asked questions

Students must watch the general pattern of questions in the previous year’s question papers.

  • By identifying the questions asked repeatedly, students may quickly determine the chances of getting a question repeated.
  • There is no foolproof way to forecast if a question will be posted the same way as the previous one. Though the same topics tend to be repeated each year, students must give extra attention to these particular topics of the chapter.

Students must practise, revise, and gain insight by solving the previous year’s question papers before taking the examinations. It can provide a high level of confidence regarding the examination results.

  • Assists the student in planning their examination

Planning is vital in all aspects of life. Proper planning allows the applicant to achieve their goals flawlessly. It, in turn, aids their success. Because previous year’s question papers have the same time, structure of questions, and categories of questions, they assist applicants inadequately planning for their exams. This preparation is critical because it puts them in a better mental state for the examination. It provides students with the confidence that they can create the correct replies. It, in turn, helps them achieve the desired results in the examination room.

  • Ensure the development of effective time management skills.

Practising on the previous year’s question papers will raise the confidence level before taking an exam. Still, it will also help students practise good time management strategies required to ace an exam to finish a question well inside the time limitations.

  • Helps in self-evaluation of the performance

Previous year question papers can be used as a great self-evaluation tool to track the test preparation progress. Students can practice these papers and compare their current performance to past attempts to determine where they specialise and where they fall short.

Students must record their progress to track their preparation for any competitive examination. This record can include the grades students received for each previous year’s question paper they attempted. The goal is to monitor the progress and increase the number of hours spent studying in areas where students need to improve.

As a result, students can effectively use the previous year’s question papers as a self-evaluation tool to improve overall exam preparation.

  • Practice leads to perfection: Work towards perfection

Students must never forget to solve the previous year’s question papers, as they are the cornerstone of overall preparation after students have finished studying a specific subject. As one knows, “practice leads to perfection”; therefore, practising these question papers is nothing but working for perfection.

  • Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses

Students who know their skills and flaws have a better chance of passing the exam. It teaches them how to approach the question paper. According to experts, students need to comprehend how to minimise negative marking to get good scores in CBSE Class 10 or 12 board exams and common entrance exams such as NEET and JEE Main 2022. Negative grading is frequently the result of callous errors, such as an inability to understand the questions carefully. As a result, solving previous year’s questions for such exams assists students in identifying the areas in which they are underperforming.


The article familiarises students with the advantages of solving previous year’s question papers. After understanding the importance of solving the previous year’s question papers, students can use it as a tool to strategise their study plan effectively. Students can comprehend the important questions and don’t need to finish cramming up the words to solve problems. However, students must make sure they imply every effort to make their conceptions as clear as possible. Finally, remember that answering the previous year’s question papers is not the sole method to succeed. It is a useful tool for revision. Working hard is essential for acing any examination or assessment.

Diploma First Year Question Papers PDF Download
Diploma First Year Question Papers PDF Download

You can find out the Question Papers of June 2021 and February 2022 Board Examinations

1.Communication English 1

2. Engineering Graphics 1

3. Engineering Mathematics 1 

4. Engineering Physics 1 

5. Engineering Chemistry 1 

Easy Pass Daily Booster Questions – click here

Name of the Subject  Question Paper Download Link
Communication English 1 Click Here
Engineering Graphics 1 Click Here
Engineering Mathematics 1 Click Here
Engineering Physics 1  Click Here
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