Diploma Mechanical Instrumentation Important questions all units

Diploma Mechanical Instrumentation Important questions

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Diploma Mechanical Instrumentation Important questions

Subject  Mechanical Instrumentation  Scheme : M SCHEME

Note :   

1. Highlighted questions are asked more than two times in board exams.

2. These questions are collected from Board Examination Question Papers.

Unit – I  Types of Measurements, Measurement of Error.


  1. Define drift
  2. List out the difference between passive and active transducer
  3. Distinguish between accuracy & precision
  4. What is piezo resistive transducer?
  5. What is sensitivity?
  6. What is precision?
  7. Define threshold & resolution.
  8. Define range and span.
  9. List the dynamic characteristics.
  10. Define Error.
  11. What is contact measurement ?
  12. What are the classifications of instruments?

10 mark questions

  1. Explain about dynamic characteristics of measuring instrument.
  2. Explain about various measurement of Errors .
  3. Explain the important terms in static characteristics of instruments.
  4. Define transducer. How is it classified? Explain anyone method.

Unit – 2, Displacement Measurement & Pressure Measurement


  1. What is LVDT?
  2. What is the use of bellows?
  3. What is McLeod Gauge?
  4. How to measure thermo emf?
  5. Name any two instruments used for low pressure measurements.
  6. Draw the diagram of Bourdon tube.
  7. Name any two displacement measurement method.
  8. Give examples of pressure measuring instruments.
  9. Explain Bellows and it uses
  10. Mention the instruments of measuring displacement.
  11. What are the advantages of potentiometer?


  1. Draw the block diagram of RVDT and explain.
  2. Draw the block diagram of Pirani gauge and Explain.
  3. Explain displacement measurement using LVDT with a neat sketch.
  4. Explain pressure measurement using ionization gauge with a neat diagram.
  5. Explain the specification, selection and applications of displacement transducers.

UNIT – 3, Temperature Measurement & Flow Measurement

2/3 Mark questions.

  1. What is anemometer?
  2. How to measure thermo emf?
  3. What is the use of Rotameter?
  4. State the working principle of liquid thermometer.
  5. List any two instruments used for flow measurement.
  6. Name any three Electrical methods for temperature measurement.
  7. State the working principle of Hot wire anemometer.
  8. How are temperature measurement methods classified?
  9. State the working principle of turbine meter.
  10. Write short notes on thermistor.
  11. List flow measurements.
  12. What are the disadvantages of liquid in glass thermometer?
  13. List the advantages & disadvantages of Hot wire anemometer.
  14. What are the advantages of Electro magnet flow meter.

10 mark questions.

  1. Explain in detail about a non-electric method of temperature measurement.
  2. Explain in detail about Ultrasonic flow meter for flow measurement.
  3. Draw and Explain construction and working of liquid in glass thermometer.
  4. Explain the working of a Rotameter with a neat diagram.
  5. With a neat diagram, Explain the working principle of RTD.
  6. Explain Electromagnetic Flow meter..
  7. Explain turbine flow meter with neat sketch.
  8. Explain vortex shedding flow meter and give advantages and disadvantages of it.


2 / 3 mark questions

  1. What is stroboscope?
  2. What is feed forward control system?
  3. What is tachometer?
  4. Define strain
  5. Write short notes on  carbon Microphone with diagram.
  6. Write about electro dynamic micro phone.
  7. Explain about Mechanical tachometer.
  8. Define speed. Mention its unit
  9. What are the disadvantages of microphone.
  10. Define dynamometer and classify them.
  11. What are the types of strain gauge?

10 marks questions

  1. Explain how to measure humidity using sling psychrometer?
  2. Explain in detail about strain measurement.
  3. Draw and explain the construction and working of eddy current type tachometer. State its advantages & disadvantages
  4. Discuss hair hygrometer with a neat sketch.
  5. Explain anyone type of strain gauge.
  6. Explain the working of revolution counter timer.

Unit – 5, Control System.

2/3 mark questions

  1. What is feed forward control system?
  2. What is PID?
  3. Discuss about open loop system.
  4. Compare Hydraulic and pneumatic control system.
  5. What is automatic control system?
  6. What is feedback control system?
  7. What is closed loop system?
  8. Write the transfer functions of P, I, PI & PD Controllers.

10 mark Questions

  1. Explain about servo motor mechanism.
  2. Explain about the application of measurement and set up of control for boilers.
  3. Explain in detail about proportional controller?
  4. Explain feedback control system.
  5. Draw and Explain block diagram of automatic control system.
  6. Explain PID controller.
  7. Write short notes on (i) Integral controller (ii) Derivative controller (iii) PI controller

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