Diploma Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Model Question Paper

Diploma Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Model Question Paper

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Diploma Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Model Question Paper
Diploma Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Model Question Paper

Model Question Paper

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power

(Based on New syllabus – N Scheme)                   Total Marks: 100

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in Part – A. Each question carries three marks.

            (ii) Answer either (A) or (B) of Each question in Part – B. Each question carries 14 Marks

Part – A   (10 x 3 = 30)

  1. Define Pascals law. Mention the applications of pascals law.
  2. A gauge record a pressure of 25 kN/m2. Calculate the corresponding absolute pressure in kN/m2 and in ‘m’ of water. The local pressure is 760mm of Hg.
  3. Explain steady and unsteady flow
  4. State any five major losses those occur in pipe flows
  5. What are the functions of a draft tube?
  6. A reciprocating pump delivers 16.5 litres / sec of water. The theoretical discharge is 17.8 liters/second. Find the slip
  7. State the functions of an accumulator.
  8. What is intensifier? When intensifier is used in hydraulic circuit? Mention its applications.
  9. Draw the ISO symbol of 4/3 DCV used in a pneumatic circuits.
  10. Explain the function of quick exhaust valve.

Part – B ( 5 x 14 = 70 Marks)

  1.  (A) (i) A simple manometer is used to measure the pressure of oil of relative density 0.74 flowing in a pipe line. it’s right limb is open to atmosphere and the left limb is connected to the pipe. The center of the pipe is 0.1m below the level of mercury in the right limb, if the difference of mercury levels in the two limbs is 0.2 m. Determine the absolute pressure of the oil in the pipe in ‘Pa’ ( 7 marks)

      (ii) State and prove pascals law. Mention the applications of Pascals Law (7 Marks)


(B) (i) Define the following properties of fluid and state their units (i) Density      (ii) Specific weight (iii) viscosity (7Marks)

                (ii) Explain Bourdons tube pressure gauge with a neat sketch. (7Marks)

  1. A. (i) State and Prove Bernoulli’s theorem. Mention the assumptions and limitations made in Bernoulli’s theorem (10 Marks)

     (ii) State the laws of fluid friction of turbulent flow (4 Marks)


B. (i) Derive an expression for the discharge through orificemeter (7Marks)

      (ii) Water is supplied to a polytechnic campus having 1500 students from a reservoir which is built 4km away from the campus. Each student requires 250 litres of water per day. The daily requirement is pumped 8 hours. The diameter of the water supply pipe is 150mm. Determine the loss of head due to friction if friction factor F = 0.032 (7Marks)

  1. A. (i) Explain the main components of Pelton wheel turbine. (7 Marks)

    (ii) State the different types of Impellers used in centrifugal pump. Explain any two in detail. 


B. (i) Explain the working of a kaplan turbine with a neat sketch (7 Marks)

    (ii) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a double acting reciprocating pump. (7 Marks)

  1. A. (i) Explain the working of a bladder type accumulator and gas loaded accumulator with a neat sketch. (7 Marks)

     (ii) Explain the hydraulic circuit for the operation of double acting cylinder with metering – in and metering out control (7 Marks)


B. (i) Explain the working of External gear pump with a neat sketch

     (ii) Draw and explain the hydraulic circuit for the table movement of milling machine

  1. A. Explain with neat sketches the working of (i) shuttle valve (ii) quick exhaust valve in pneumatic system (14 Marks)


B. (i) Explain the working of 5/2 DCV in pneumatic system. (7 Marks)

    (ii) Describe with a line sketch Explain FRL Unit. (7 Marks)

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