Diploma Measurements and Metrology Important Questions

Diploma Measurements and Metrology Important Questions

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We have added Diploma Measurements and Metrology Important Questions for III Semester Diploma in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering 

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Diploma Measurements and Metrology Important Questions


3 Marks 

1. What is metrology?
2. Mention any three objectives of metrology.
3. What are the system of measurement?
4. What are the standards of measurement?
5. Compare end standard & line standard?
6. What are the elements of measurement?
7. Write short notes on legal metrology
8. What is precision?
9. What is accuracy?
10. Define sensitivity
11. What is calibration?
12. What is magnification?
13. What is interchange ability?
14. What is reliability?
15. Define error.
16. What are the sources of error?
17. What are the classifications of error?

Diploma Measurements and Metrology Important Questions
Diploma Measurements and Metrology Important Questions

7 Marks

1. Explain briefly about the objective and needs of engineering metrology.
2. Explain the methods of measurements.
3. Explain the accuracy and precision
4. Explain the error and its classification.
5. What are the factors affecting the accuracy of measurement system. Explain
6. Compare systematic errors and random errors
7. Briefly explain the various standard of length.

Unit – 2 Linear and Angular Measurements

1. What is the linear measuring instruments
2. What is the angular measuring instruments
3. What is caliper. Mention its types
4. What is a combination set
5. What is feeler gauge
6. What is pitch screw gauge
7. What is the least count of vernier caliper and micrometer?
8. What are the sources of error in
9. What is bevel protractor? Mention its types.
10. What is sine bar? Write its types. And
principle and application.
11. What is autocollimator
12. What is comparator? Write its uses 13.
Write the classification of comparator.
14. What are the advantages of mechanical comparator?

7 Marks

1. Explain the vernier caliper with neat sketch
2. Explain the Micrometer with neat sketches.
3. Explain briefly the Indian standards of slip gauge and their grades.
4. Explain (i). Clinometers (ii). Auto collimator (iii). Angle dekkar
5. Explain the dial test indicator with neat sketches.
6. Explain with neat neat sketch the optical comparator

7. Explain with sketch about electrical comparators.
8. Explain the air flow pneumatic mechanical comparator
9. Difference between mechanical comparator and electrical comparator.

Measurements and Metrology Previous Year Question paper – Click here

Unit – 3 Form Measurement

1. Explain with a neat sketch the nomenclature of external and internal thread.
2. What are methods of measuring effective diameter of external thread and explain with a neat sketch, the thread micrometer method.
3. Briefly explain the one, two, three wire method of measuring effective diameter of external thread.
4. Explain the tool maker microscope or optical microscope.
5. Explain the following method of tooth thickness measurement. (a). Base tanget method (b). Constant chord method
6. Explain with neat sketch the gear tooth vernier.
7. Explain the parkinson’s gear tester with neat sketch.
8. Explain briefly about floating carriages micrometer.
9. Explain about sources of error in thread.


3 Marks
1. What is laser?
2. What are the types of laser?
3. Mention the advantages of laser.
4. What are the application of laser?

5. What are the parts of laser telemetric system?
6. What are the advantages of laser telemetric system?
7. Explain scanning laser gauge
8. What is photo diode array imaging
9. What is the purpose of diffraction pattern technique?
10. What is optical flat?
11. What are the uses of laser interferometry?
12. What is interferometer?
13. What is standard interferometer?

14. Explain single beam interferometer.
15. Explain length bar measuring machine
16. Explain CMM.
17. What are the types of CMM?
18. What are the advantages of CMM?
19. What is computer controlled CMM?
20. What are the limitations in computer numerical controlled CNC?
7 marks
1. Explain with neat sketch about laser telemetric system.
2. Explain in details about AC laser interferometer with neat sketch.
3. Explain briefly the Michelson interferometer with a neat sketch.
4. Explain the dual frequency laser interferometer.
5. Explain the twyman- green interferometer with neat sketch.
6. Explain with neat sketch the three dimension measuring machine.

7. With a neat sketch explain the trigger type probe system.
8. How the inspection is carried out using robots 


3 Marks
1. What is force? List the different types of force measurement
2. What is direct force measurement?
3. Mention the different methods of direct force measurement.
4. What is indirect force measurement?
5. What are the different methods of indirect force
6. What is a load cell? List the types of load cell
7. What is meant by shear load cells?
8. Explain electronic weighing system.
9. What is torque?
10. What is the purpose of dynamometer? Mention the types of dynamometers.
11. Explain dc dynamometer.
12. What is piezo electric sensors
13. Explain force measurement and write types of flow meters
14. What is rotameter?

15. Mention the advantages of rotameter.
16. Explain electromagnetic flow meter.
17. What is hot wire anemometer
18. Explain ultrasonic flow meter
19. Explain Doppler flow meter
20. Mention the advantages of ultrasonic flowmeter.
21. Explain Doppler anemometer.

7 mark question
1. Explain the equal arm balance method with sketch.
2. Explain the unequal arm balance method with sketch
3. Explain briefly the multi level system of direct force measurement with a neat sketch.
4. Explain (a). Hydraulic load cell. (b). pneumatic load cell.  (c). Strain gauge load cell (d). Shear load cell
5. Explain with neat of rota meter.
6. Explain the Doppler method of ultrasonic flow meter with a neat sketch.
7. Explain hot wire anemometer.
8. Explain the following laser Doppler anemometer with neat sketch. (a). Reference beam mode (b). Interference fringe mode

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