Diploma Thermal Engineering 2 Most Important Questions

Diploma Thermal Engineering 2 Most Important Questions

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UNIT-I Formation and Properties of Steam & Thermodynamic Processes of Vapour
Three Marks Questions (Theory)
1. Define enthalpy of wet steam and enthalpy of dry steam [October 2020, 2019]
2. What do you understand by external work of evaporation? [June 2021, April 2016, October 2014]
3. Define internal latent heat. [June 2021, April 2015, October 2013]
4. What is throttling process? State its effects. (April 2022)
5. What are the different methods of heating and expanding the steam? [October 2018]
6. What is steam calorimeter? Name any two types of steam calorimeter commonly used. [April
2018, 2015, 2014, October 2013]
7. What do you meant by heat of superheat and degree of superheat? [October 2017,2014, April 2011]
8. Define dryness fraction and wetness fraction of steam. [April 2017, 2015, 2014, 2011, October 2013, 2009]
9. Mention the various stages in the formation of steam from water. [October 2017]
10. What is meant by throttling process? State any two applications of throttling process. [April 2018]
11. Distinguish between wet steam and dry steam. (October 2017)
12. What is the use of bucket calorimeter? [April 2016]
13. What do you mean by heat of super heat? [October 2016, 2010]
14. Define internal energy of steam. [October 2016, 2010]
15. Give any two advantages of superheated steam [October 2015, April 2012]

Three Marks Questions (Problems)
16. Find the mass of 0.15m3 wet steam at 9bar absolute and 0.8 dryness fraction. (October 2020, April 2022)
17. Calculate the internal latent heat of 1 kg of dry saturated steam under a pressure of 15 bar. [April 2019]
18.Find the final condition of steam if the steam is throttled from a pressure of 17 bar and dryness
fraction 0.9 to a pressure of 0.35 bar. (June 2021)
19. Steam at 11 bar is throttled to a pressure of 1.2 bar and 120°C. using steam tables. Evaluate the
initial condition of steam. Cps = 2.3 kJ/kgK. [October 2019]
20. Steam is at a pressure of 8 bar absolute and 0.8 dry. This is reheated to 12 bar absolute and 300°C. Find the change in enthalpy. [April 2019]
21. Steam at a pressure of 8 bar absolute and dry saturated in throttled to a pressure of 2 bar
absolute. The mass flow rate is 5 kg/min. using Mollier chart, find the condition of steam after
throttling. [October 2018, 2012]
22. Steam at 4 bar bsolute and 200°C expands isentropically to a steam turbine to 0.4 bar. Determine
the final condition of steam and heat drop using Mollier chart. [April 2018, 2013]
23. The specific volume of steam at 10 bar is recorded as 0.1749 m3 /kg. Determine the quality of steam, enthalpy and its entropy. [April 2014, 2012, October 2017, 2009, 2004]
24. Determine the internal latent heat of 1kg of steam having a dryness fraction 0.85 at a pressure of 12 bars absolute. [April 2017, October 2015]
25.Steam at 10 bar and 0.9 dry is throttled to a pressure of 2 bar. Evaluate the final condition of
steam. [October 2016, 2010, 2009, April 2015, 2007, 2006]

7 Marks and 8 Marks and 14 Marks Questions
1. A sample of 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 15 bar absolute exists in the following conditions: (i) Wet steam with 0.8 dry (ii) dry and saturated and (iii) 0Superheated to 215°C. Determine the following properties in each case: (a) Enthalpy (b) Volume (c) Entropy (d) External work of evaporation and (e) Internal energy. Take the specific heat of superheated steam as 2.3 kJ/kgK. (October 2012, April 2018)
2. A rigid vessel is divided into two parts A and B by a partition. Part A contains 1 kg of dry saturated steam at 3.5 bar. Part B contains 2 kg of wet steam at 7 bar with dryness 0.8. the partitions removed and the pressure in the vessel after sometime is measured as 5 bar. Determine (a) Volume of the vessel (b) quality of steam at 5 bar and (c) heat interchange between steam and surrounding walls of the vessel. (October 2018, 2009)
3. Two boilers A and B discharge equal amounts of steam into the same main. Both the boilers operate at a pressure of 14 bar absolute, which is also the pressure of steam in the main. The boiler A delivers steam at 300°C. For a temperature of 235°C in the main, estimate the quality of steam supplied by the boiler B. also determine the net increase or decrease of entropy. Take Cp = 2.1 kJ/kgK for superheated steam. (June 2021, April 2017, 2014, 1984, October 2010, 1997,
1991, 1984)
4. In a laboratory experiment on wet steam by a barrel calorimeter, the following observations recorded:
Steam pressure – 5.5 bar
Mass of copper calorimeter – 1 kg
Mass of calorimeter & water – 3.8 kg
Mass of calorimeter & water & steam – 4 kg
Initial temperature of water – 10°C
Final temperature of water – 50°C
Specific heat of copper – 0.092 kJ/kgK
Determine the dryness fraction of steam. (April 2022)
5. Steam at a pressure of 10 bar and 0.9 dry expands to the atmospheric pressure hyperbolically. Specific heat of steam is 2.1 kJ/kgK. Calculate (i) Work done (ii) Change in internal energy (iii) Change in enthalpy (iv) Heat absorbed. (April 2017, 2014, 2013)
6. A cylinder contains steam at a pressure of 7 bar and 0.95 dry. The steam is expanded isothermally and reversibly to a pressure of 1.5 bar. Determine (i) final condition of steam (ii) Change in enthalpy (iii) change in internal energy (iv) Change in entropy (v) Heat transferred and (vi) work done per kg of steam. (April 2022)
7. 1 kg of dry and saturated steam at 250°C isothermally expands to 6 bar. Determine (i) Change in
entropy (ii) Change in enthalpy (iii) Change in intern energy (iv) Heat transferred. Also determine the wok done for the non-flow process. (April 2018)
[Adiabatic (or) Isentropic]
8. Steam at a pressure of 8.5 bar absolute and 0.96 dry is expanded to a pressure of 1.7 bar. Find the final condition of steam and heat drop for each of the following methods of expansion (i) Adiabatic expansion (ii) Throttling expansion. (October 2020, April 2010)
9. Steam at a pressure of 5 bar and dry saturated, expands isentropically in a turbine nozzle to the
condenser back pressure of 0.2 bar. Find the condition of steam at entry to condenser after expansion and find also ideal power developed for a steam flow of 2 kg/s. (April 2015, 2013, October 2019, 2013, April 2013, 1985)
10. 8.5 kg of steam per second expands in a turbine from a pressure of 10 bar and 400°C to 0.5 bar. Determine the final condition of steam and steady flow work done when the expansion is isentropic by using steam tables. (April 2012)

[Throttling Process]
11. In a combined separating and throttling calorimeter the following readings were taken: Total quantity of steam passed = 24kf, Water drained in the separator = 1.23kg, Steam pressure before throttling = 9 bar, Steam pressure after throttling = 1.2 bar, Temperature of steam after throttling = 110°C, Specific heat of super heated steam = 2.0 kJ/kgK. Determine (i) Dryness
fraction by separating calorimeter (ii) Dryness fraction bt throttling calorimeter and (iii) Dryness fraction of steam in the main. (October 2018)
12. 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 1 bar absolute and 0.85 dry is compressed according to the law PV1.25 = C. the final pressure is 2 bar. Find the final condition of steam and hear which passes through the cylinder walls. (October 2017)
13. Steam at 10 bar and 0.9 dryness is throttled to a pressure of 2 bar. Using steam tables only, evaluate the final dryness fraction (or) degree fo superheat. Estimate the change in entropy during the process. (April 2014)
14. Explain with a neat sketch, the experimental methods of determining the dryness fraction of a steam by using separating and throttling calorimeter with a neat sketch. (April 2015, 2008, 2010, October 1996, 2009)
15. Explain with a neat sketch, the method of finding the dryness fraction of steam by bucket calorimeter. (June 2021)

UNIT-II Steam Boilers and Performance Of Boiler
Three Marks Questions
1. List out the various heat losses in a boiler. (Or) What are the various sources of heat losses in a boiler [October 2020, 2016]
2. What are the main features of a high pressure boiler? [October 2020, April 2018]
3. What are the safety precautions to be adopted during boiler operation? [October 2020, 2014, 2008, April 2022, 2008]
4. What are the advantages of high pressure boiler? [October 2019, June 2021, April 2015]
5. What are the common external treatments given in the boiler feed water? [June 2021, October 2017, 2016, 2015, 2009]
6. Name three boiler accessories that improve the thermal efficiency of boiler and state their function. [June 2021, October 2012, 2004, April 2007]
7. Give the procedure for starting the boiler from cold conditions. [October 2019]
8. What is meant by boiler mountings? Name any three mountings. [April 2019]
9. What are the factors that influence boiler efficiency? [October 2018, 2016, 2009]
10. Name any three accessions to which, boiler owner shall report to chief inspector of boiler as per Indian Boiler Act. [October 2018, April 2013]
11. Distinguish between boiler mountings and boiler accessories. [October 2017, 2015, April 2015, 2014, 2010, 2008]
12. List the important clauses of Indian boiler act. [October 2016, 2013, 2010, 2004, April 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2005]
13. Mention the various heat losses during boiler operation. [October 2015, April 2017, 2005]
14.State the various heat losses in a boiler and how to minimize them (April 1998, 2005, 2006, 2007 October 2015, 1996)
15.Distinguish between boilers mounting and accessories. Give two examples for each. (October 1991, 1992, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2015, April 1993, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2015)
16. Define (i) Boiler efficiency (ii) Boiler power. [April 2019, 2012, 2011, October 2015, 2014,2010]
17. How will you compare the performance of different boiler? [October 2018, April 2015, 2014,2013]
18. What are the standard conditions of feed water evaporation in a boiler? [April 2018, 2017]
19. What are the effects of impurities present in the boiler feed water? (Or) Name the impurities presents in feed water. [April 2019, 2015, 2014, October 2017, 2015]
20. List the boiler mountings as per the Indian Boiler Act. [April 2017]
21. What are the common internal treatments given to the boiler feed water? [October 2019, 2010, April 2014, 2010]
22. What is meant by boiler accessories? [April 2016, October 2014]

7 Marks and 8 Marks and 14 Marks Questions (Problems)
1. The following results were obtained in a boiler trail:- Feed water per hour 750 kg at 25°C. Steam produced 0.95 dry at 8 bars. Coal used per hour 100 kg of calorific value 27200 kJ/kg. Ash and unburnt coal collected from beneath fire bars 8 kg per hour of calorific value 2800 kJ/kg. Mass of flue gases per kg of coal burnt 17kg. Flue gas temperature 325°C. Air temperature 15°C. Specific heat of flue gases 1.005 kJ/kgK. Calculate: (i) Equivalent evaporation from and at 100°C (ii) Boiler efficiency and (iii) Draw up a heat balance sheet per kg of coal. (June 2021)
2. In a boiler trail the following data were obtained:
Steam produced per hour – 2710 kg
Feed water temperature – 36°C
Boiler pressure – 10.5 bar
Dryness fraction of steam – 0.9
Coal used per hour – 330 kg
Calorific value of coal – 29100kJ/kg
Quantity of flue gases – 10 kg/kg of coal
Mean specific heat of flue gases – 1.005 kJ/kgK
Mena temperature of flue gases – 320°C
Boiler room temperature – 27°C
Determine the equivalent evaporation and draw up heat balance per kg. (April 2022)
3. The following observations were made on a boiler plant during one hour test.
Steam pressure – 20 bar
Temperature of steam – 260°C
Steam generated – 37500 kg
Temperature of water entering economizer – 15°C
Temperature of water leaving economizer – 90°C
Fuel used – 4400 kg
Calorific value of fuel – 30000 kJ/kg
Specific heat super heated steam – 2.0 kJ/kgK
Determine (i) Actual evaporation (ii) Equivalent evaporation per kg of fuel (iii) thermal efficiency of
the boiler and boiler plant and (iv) the percentage of heat energy of the fuel utilized by the
economizer. (April 2022)
4. The following observations were made during a test on a steam boiler: Furnace oil used per hour = 1666 liters, Specific gravity of furnace oil = 0.83, Steam supplied by boiler = 20800 kg/hr, Steam pressure = 24 bar, Steam temperature = 300°C, Mean temperature of feed water = 125°C, Boiler room temperature = 35°C, Flue gas temperature = 240°C, Specific heat of dry flue gases = 1.005 kJ/kgK, Specific heat of superheated steam = 2.1 kJ/kgK, Calorific value of furnace oil = 52000 kJ/kg. Air supplied is 21 times the quantity of furnace oil sued. Loss due to incomplete combustion is 1% of the fuel. Draw up a heat balance sheet for the boiler for unit mass of the oil and workout the thermal
efficiency. (April 2018)
5. The following results were obtained in a boiler trail: feed water per hour 1520kg at 30oC, steam produced 0.95 dry at 9 bar, coal per hour 200 kg of calorific value 27500 kJ/kg, ash and unburnt coal collected from beneath bars 16 kg per of calorific value 2720 kJ/kg, mass of flue gas kg of coal burnt 17.3 kg, flue gas temperature 330oC, air temperature 17oC, specific heat of flue gas 1.00 kJ/kgK, loss due to incomplete combustion is 1% of the fuel. Draw up a heat balance sheet per kg of coal and also determine the equivalent evaporation from and at 100oC per kg of coal (October 2017, 2009, 2006,2004, April 2014, 2010)
6. The following observation was taken during a test on a steam boiler:-quantity of coal burnt=750Kg/hr, feed water supplied=7000Kg/hr, calorific value of coal=33920KJ/Kg, temperature of feed water entering the economizer =250C, temperature of feed water entering the boiler 800C, temperature of steam leaving the superheated =250C. Steam pressure =10 bar,
quality of steam leaving the boiler=95%dry, specific heat of superheated steam=2.09KJ/Kgk.
Determine (i) Equivalent evaporation of the plant (ii) thermal efficiency of plant (iii) calculate heat absorbed by feed water in various components as a percentage of the total heat absorbed.(October 2010, April 2017)
7. During the test of an oil fired water tube boiler, the following data were obtained: Steam pressure – 16 bar abs; water evaporated per minute – 282.85 kg; feed water temperature – 76°C; quality of steam – 99% dry; fuel oil burent per minute – 22.45 kg; heating value of fuel oil – 44966 kJ/kg. Calculate (a) the actual evaporation (b) the equivalent evaporation from and at 100°C (c) the factor of evaporation (d) boiler efficiency and (e) boiler power. (October 2017, April 2013, 1997)
8. A boiler produces 2267 kg of dry saturated steam per hour at apressure of 11.5 bar absolute from feed water which is at a temperature of 121°C. The coal fired in 3 hours is 750 kg and has calorific value of 32000 kJ/kg. it is found that 10% of the coal is unburnt Calculate (i) the equivalent evaporation from and at 100°C per kg of coal fired (ii) efficiency of the boiler (iii) the efficiency of the boiler and grate combined. (April 2018, 2011, 2005, 1989, October 2013, 2008, 2000, 1998, 1991)
9. A boiler generates 750kg of steam per hour at 11 bar absolute and with 50°C super heat. The coal supplied is 100kg per hour and calorific value of coal is 29300 kJ/kg. the feed water temperature is 45°C and specific heat super heated stream, is 2.09 kJ/kgK. Calculate (i) Actual evaporation (ii) Factor of evaporation (iii) Equivalent evaporation from and at 100°C (iv) Boiler efficiency and (v) Boiler power. (October 2018)
10.A boiler plant consists of an economizer, boiler and super heater. The feed water leaves the economizer at 77°C and 97% dry steam leaves the boiler drum at 21 bar pressure. The same gets super heated to 270°C an the super heater. If the feed water supplied to the economizer at 38°C is 10kg per kg if coal fired, determine (i) Equivalent evaporation in kg per kg of coal (ii) The efficiency of the plant, if the calorific value of coal is 32.6 x 103 kJ/kg and (iii) the percentage of heat received in economizer, boiler and super heater. Take specific heat of super heated steam 2.1 kJ/kgK. (October 2018)
7 Marks and 8 Marks and 14 Marks Questions (Theory)
11.Draw and explain of a BHEL high pressure boiler. (June 2021, April 2017, 2015, 2014, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2001, October 2010, 2006, 1997, 1996)
12.Distinguish between boilers mounting and accessories. Give two examples for each. (October
1991, 1992, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2015, April 1993, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2015)
13.Explain the working of a water level Indicator with a neat sketch, where it is located in a boiler. (October 2014)
14.State the various heat losses in a boiler and how to minimize them (April 1998, 2005, 2006,2007 October 2015, 1996)

Diploma Thermal Engineering 2 Most Important Questions
Diploma Thermal Engineering 2 Most Important Questions

UNIT-III Thermal Power Plant and Steam Turbines and Condensers
Three Marks Questions
1. Define condenser efficiency. [October 2020, 2017, 2015]
2. Name the pollutants from thermal power pants. What are the effects of these pollutants? [October 2020, 2016, 2012, 2009]
3. Write a brief note on fluidized bed combustion. (October 2020)
4. What are the elements of a condensing plant? (Or) Name the elements of a steam condensing
plant. [April 2019, 2016, October 2020, 2013, 2009]
5. State the sources of air present in a condenser. (Or) what are the surfaces of air in condenser? [June 2021, October 2018, 2013]
6. State two merits and two demerits of thermal power plant. [October 2017, April 2022, 2016, 2014]
7. How are condensers classified? [October 2019]
8. What is the function of a cyclone separator? [April 2019]
9. State the differences between impulse and reaction turbines. (April 2015, 2008, 1998, 1997, October 2018, 2008, 1999)
10. Draw the p-v and T-s diagrams of modified Rankine cycle and indicate the various processes involved. (April 2018, October 2015, 2010, 2006,2004, 2002, 1994)
11. State the necessity for compounding and types of compounding of steam turbines. (Or) What is
the necessity of compounding and state the types of compounding adopted in the turbine? [October 2017, April 2010]
12. State the uses of cyclone separator. [October 2019]
13. State the function of electrostatic precipitator [October 2018]
14. Define vacuum efficiency of a condenser. [October 2018, 2012, April 2016, 2010]
15. State the advantages of fluidized bed combustion. [April 2018]
16. What is the main function of a wet scrubber [October 2016]
17. Name any two thermodynamics cycles in steam power plant. (Or) Name any two steam power cycle. [October 2016, 2014, 2012]
18. Why compounding is done in steam turbines? (Or) State the necessity of compounding. [April 2016, 2015, 2011, October 2013]
19. Define condenser vacuum. [April 2015, October 2014]
20. What is a steam condenser? [April 2015]
21. State the merits and demerits of thermal power plant. [April 2016, 2014]
22. Compare the merits and demerits between surface condenser and jet condenser. [October 2014]
7 Marks and 8 Marks and 14 Marks Questions
1. Explain velocity compounding in steam turbine with suitable sketches. (April 2022, 2014, October 2020, 2016, 2014)
2. What is the necessity of compounding? Explain velocity compounding in a steam turbine with neat sketch.
(Or) What is the necessity of compounding? State the different methods of compounding adopted in the impulse turbine. Explain any one type with neat sketch. (June 2021, April 2016, 2015, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1994, October 2016, 2013, 2010, 2004, 2003, 2000, 1997)
3. Draw the layout of thermal power plant and list the important components. List its merits and demerits. [October 2019]
4. Explain with a line diagram, the air and flue gas circuit in a thermal (or) Steam power plant (April 2009, 2006, 2005, 2001, 1996, October 2017, 2015, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2000, 1995, 1994, 1992)
5. Explain with a line diagram, the feed water and steam flow circuit in a thermal (or) steam power plant (April 2017, 2016, 2011, 2009, 2006, 2005, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1991, 1990, October 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2004, 1996, 1995, 1994)
6. Explain pressure compounding in steam turbines with suitable sketches. [April 2016, 2013]
7. What are the four important circuits of steam power plant? Explain them briefly with sketches. [April 2016]
8. Explain the pressure velocity compounding of steam turbine with suitable sketches (April 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2003, 1994, 1990, October 2014, 2012)
9. Explain with sketches the construction and working of (i) Parallel flow low level jet condenser (ii) Down flow surface condenser. [April 2010, October 2015]

10. The following observations were made during a trial on a steam condenser: condenser vacuum – 700 mm of Hg; Barometer reading – 765 mm of Hg; Mean condenser temperature – 35°C; Hot well temperature – 28°C; Cooling water temperature at inlet – 20°C; Cooling water temperature at outlet – 32°C. Determine (a) Vacuum efficiency (b) Condenser efficiency (c) Mass of air per cubic metre of condenser volume and (d) Mass of air present per kg of uncondensed steam. (October 2020, April 2013) [ηvac = 96.8394%, ηcond = 52.04%, ma = 0.034436 kg/m3 , ma = 0.7881 kg/kg of steam]
11. The following observations were recorded during a test on a surface condenser:-
Mean condenser temperature – 35°C
Hot well temperature – 30°C
Condenser vacuum – 700mm of Hg
Barometer reading – 760mm of Hg
Condensate collected – 16.75 kg per min.
Cooling water – 39600 kg per hour.
Rise of cooling water temperature – 14°C
Determine: (i) Corrected vacuum (ii) Mass of air present per m3 of condenser volume (iii) Mass of air present per kg of uncondensed steam (iv) Vacuum efficiency and (v) Dryness fraction of steam as it enters the condenser.(June 2021)
12. During a trail on a steam condenser, the following observations were recorded. Condenser vacuum = 680 mm of Hg; Barometer reading = 764 mm of Hg; Mean condenser temperature = 36.18°C; Hot well temperature = 30°C; Condensate formed per hr. = 1780 kg; Inlet temperature of cooling water = 20°C; Outlet temperature of cooling water = 32°C; Cooling water circulated = 1250 kg/min. Determine (i) Corrected Vacuum (ii) Vacuum efficiency (iii) Condenser efficiency (iv) Mass of air present per kg of condensed steam and (v) Condition of steam as it enters the condenser.(April
2022, 2017)
13. A surface condenser condenses 17600kg of steam per hour. The steam pressure is 0.2bar and its quality is 0.88. Cooling water enters at 40°C and leaves at 50°C. The condenser is made of 23mm tubes. The velocity of water in the tubes is 1.8 m/s. Calculate the number of tubes used in the condenser. The temperature of the condensate is 60°C. (April 2019, 2012, October 2017)
14. A surface condenser is required to condense 25000 kg of steam per hour at a pressure of 0.12 bar and 0.88 dryness. Cooling water enters at 30°C and leaves 40°C. if the velocity of water in the tubes should not exceed 2 m/s. determine the number of 25 mm inner diameter tubes that must be used to build the condenser. Condensate temperature is 49°C. [October 2018, 2010, 2002, April 1997] (Answer: n = 356)
15. A surface condenser is designed to handle 17500 kg of steam per hour. The steam enters at 0.2 bar pressure and 0.87 dry and is condensed to water at 60°C. The circulating water enters at 40°C and leaves at 50°C. The condenser is made of 22 mm inside diameter tubes. If the velocity of water in the tubes should not exceed 1.78 m/s, determine the number of tubes that must be used to build the condenser. (April 2018, 2012, 2011, October 2017, 2005) [Answer: n = 353 tubes]
16. Determine the mass of cooling water required in the surface condenser of 3600kW steam power plant from the following data: Steam used per hour = 10kg/kW, Condition of steam = 90% dry at 40°C, Pressure in the condenser = 0.1bar, Hot well temperature = 32°C, inlet temp and outlet temp of cooling water are 10°C and 22°C respectively. Find also the number of 25mm inner diameter tubes required to build the condenser, if the velocity of water in the tube is not exceeding 2m/s and
vacuum efficiency.
17. Determine the weight of cooling water required in the surface condenser of 3600 kW steam power plant from the following data: Steam used per hour – 10 kg/kW; Condition of steam – 0.9 dry and 40°C; Pressure in the condenser – 0.1 bar; Hot well temperature – 32°C; Rise in temperature of cooling water – 12°C; Find also the number of 25 mm tubes required to build the condenser, if the velocity of water in the tube is not to exceed 2 m/s. (October 2016, 2015, 2006, 2004, 1994) [Answer mw = 4281.58 N/s, n = 445]

UNIT-IV Conventional Sources of Energy and Nuclear Power Plant
Three Marks Questions
1. What are the different methods of uranium enrichment? (October 2016, April 2016, 2015,
2014, 2012)
2. Discuss the merits and demerits of a nuclear power plant. (October 2013, April 2010)
3. What is meant by fissile fuel? (October 2016, 2015, April 2015)
4. What is meant by nuclear fission? (October 2016, 2013)
5. Name the components of nuclear reactor (October 2016)
6. What do you understand by the term fertile fuel? (April 2016, 2010)
7. Name any three materials used for control rods? (April 2016, October 2013)
8. What is the function of moderator in a nuclear plant? (October 2015, 2008, April 2016, 2012, 2011)
9. What is meant by uranium enrichment? (October 2015, 2011)
10. Mention any two places in India where nuclear power plants are functioning? (October 2015)
11. Name any three conventional sources of energy (April 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, October 2012,
12. Name any three moderator materials (April 2015)
13. What is a biological shield? (April 2015)
14. What are the effects of nuclear radiation? (October 2014)
15. Define chain reaction. (October 2014, April 2011)
16. State any three main elements of nuclear power plant. (October 2014, April 2010)
17. What is the function of control roads in a nuclear plant? (April 2014, 2012)
18. State any two safety measures to be adopted by nuclear power plant? (April 2014)
19. Define radio activity. (October 2013, 2010, April 2011)
20. What is nuclear binding energy? (April 2013)
21.Explain briefly the three methods of disposal of nuclear (radio active) wastes. (April 2013, 2010, 2009)
22.Distinguish between nuclear power plant and thermal power plant (April 2005, 2001, 1998, 1997, October 2011, 2008)
23.How the nuclear wastes are disposed off? State its effect on environmental pollution (April 2001,
2003, 2005, 2010 October 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006)
24. State the effect of nuclear radiation. Explain how nuclear wastes are disposed? (October 2008)
7 Marks and 8 Marks and 14 Marks Questions
1. Draw the layout of Diesel power plant and explain it s working (April 2012, 2009, October 2016, 2015, 2011, 2009)
2. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a hydro power plant. (April 2006, October 2010)
3. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a CANDU type reactor. (April 2016, 2014, 2010, 2009,
2006, 1998, 1997, October 2014, 2009, 2006, 2005, 2004, 1996)
4. Explain, with a simple diagram the working of a Nuclear power plant (April 2016, 2014, 2013,
2012, 2008, 2005, 1992, 1989, October 2015, 2012, 2011, 2008, 2007, 2000, 1991, 1988)
5. Explain the working of a pressurized water reactor with neat sketch (April 2015, 2010, 2009,
2008, 2005, 1995, October 2016, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2002, 1994)
6. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a fast breeder reactor? (April 2011, 2007, October
2014, 2010, 2007)
7. State and explain the main elements of a nuclear reactor with a neat line diagram (April 2012,
2011, 2001, 2000, 1996, 1994, October 2012, 2011, 1999, 1997)
8. Explain the function of moderator and reflector in a nuclear reactor (April 1998, October 1993,
1996, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2013)

UNIT-V Air Compressors and Gas Turbines
Three Marks Questions
1. List any three merits (Or) advantages of open cycle gas turbine. [October 2020, 2011]
2. Mention the advantages of turbo jet engines. (October 2020)
3. Write are the applications of rockets. [April 2018, 2014, 2013, October 2020, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014]
4. How are gas turbines classified? [June 2021, April 2011]
5. What are the applications of centrifugal compressor? (June 2021)
6. The clearance is 5% in a compressor with a pressure ratio of 6 and index of expansion is 1.2. Determine the volumetric efficiency of the compressor. [June 2021, April 2016]
7. List out the advantages if turbo-propeller engine. (April 2022)
8. Differentiate between ram-jet and turbo jet. [April 2018
9. Explain with as neat sketch the working of a vane blower? [April 2019]
10. Compare the reciprocating air compressor with the rotary compressor. [April 2018
11. Explain with a neat sketch the working of Root blower. [April 2017, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 19996, October 2010, 2007, 1995]
12. Explain the working of an axial flow compressor with a neat sketch. [October 2015, 2011, 2005, 2004, 1995, April 1997]
13. State any four important uses of compressed air? [October 2019]
14. What is meant by jet propulsion? [October 2019]
15. Define the term free air delivered. [April 2019, 2016]
16. State any two liquid fuel used for rocket propulsion.[April 2019]
17. What is the application of gas turbines? [October 2018]
18. What are the effects of clearance volume in volumetric efficiency of an air compressor? [October 2018, 2009, April 2015, 2014]
19. State the disadvantages of single stage reciprocating air compressor. [April 2018, 2010]
20. State any for industrial applications of compressed air. [April 2017, October 2013]
21. How the efficiency and power output of a gas turbine plant can be increased? [October 2017]
22. State the merits and demerits of multistate compressor? [October 2018, 2013, April 2013]
23. State the merits and demerits of gas turbines. [October 2019, 2011]
24. What are the applications of gas turbines? [April 2014]
25. State the effects of using regenerator in gas turbine cycle. [October 2016, 2013, April 2016, 2015, 2010]
7 Marks and 8 Marks and 14 Marks Questions
1. A single cylinder reciprocating air compressor has a displacement of 0.12m3. The suction condition of air is 1bar and 18°C. The air is compressed isentropically to 7 bar and delivered to a receiver at constant pressure. Determine (i) The temperature at the end of compression (ii) Work done by air during suction, (iii) Work done on air during compression, (iv) Work done on air during delivery and (v) Net work done on air per cycle. (June 2021)
2. A two stage compressor works between 1bar and 16bar. The inlet temperature is 30oC.
Determine the exit temperature, if inter cooling is perfect and compress is isentropic. Also find
the work done per kg of air with and without inter cooling [April 2018, 2008, 1996, 1986,
October 2014, 1998]
3. A single acting single stage reciprocating air compressor as a bore of 200mm. and a stroke of 300mm it runs at a speed of 500rpm. Air is compressed according to the law pv1.3=C, from a pressure of 97 kN/m2 and compression pressure is 550 kN/m2. The initial temperature is 20oC. Determine the delivery temperature, amount of air delivered and power required to drive the compressor. Assume R=0.29 kJ/Kg.K [October 2005, 1995, April 2017, 1999]
4. A single acting reciprocating air compressor has got the piston diameter 120mm and stroke 150mm and runs 300rpm. Air is drawn at 0.9 bar pressure and is delivered at 8 bar pressure. The law of compression is pv1.3 = constant. Determine the power required to drive the compressor. Assume volumetric efficiency 80%, also determine the mass of air delivered per minute, if the intake temperature is 25°C. (October 2018)
5. A single stage single acting air compressor has a bore of 200 mm and a stroke of 300 mm. It
receives air at 1 bar and 20°C and delivers it at 5.5 bar. If the compression follows the law pv1.3=C and the clearance volume is 5% of the stroke volume, determine the power required to drive the compressor. The speed of compressor is 500 rpm. [April 2011, October 2017, 2016, 1996]
6. Find the % saving in work by compressing air in two stages from one bar to seven bar instead of in one stage. Assume compression index 1.35 in both cases and complete inter cooling in two stage compression. [April 2013, 2007, 1998, October 2015, 2012, 2008, 1992]
7. Explain a simple type single stage liquid propellant rocket with a neat sketch. [June 2021, April 2016, 2014, 2013
8. Explain the working of a closed cycle gas turbine with a line sketch and state its advantages. (April 2022)
9. With a neat sketch explain the working of a turbo jet engine and state the advantages and disadvantages of turbo jet. [October 2015, 2014, 2013, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 1993, April 2017, 2011]
10. Explain the working of a turbo prop engine with a neat sketch. State the merits and demerits of turbo – propeller. [April 2018, 2010, 2007, 2005, 2004]
11. Explain the working of Ram jet with a neat sketch. [April 2019, 2008, 1996, October 2015, 2007, 2004, 1994, 1993]
12. With a neat sketch, explain the working of a [open cycle gas turbine (or) gas turbine plant] with intercooler, reheater and regenerator.[April 2015, October 2019, 2018, 2004]
13. Describe the working of a centrifugal compressor with a neat sketch. [April 2015, 2011, 1995, October 2010, 2008, 1993]

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